2 Educational Consultant Services Your School NEEDS This Year

Just last week we asked our beloved social media friends just exactly what services their schools need the most, and of course they delivered!

As you can see, the votes are in! Out of Social Emotional Health, Restorative Practices, Anti-Racism & Teacher Wellness, SEL and Teacher Wellness were the top two topics that educators said they NEED in their schools.

Getting services based on these topics can be hard because of the velocity and weight they hold. These are not simple subjects and shouldn’t be treated as such.

That’s why companies like us exist to come in and lead these conversations with extensive practice with teachers and staff, a long list of resources, and powerful knowledge that can set you and your school up for success!

If you need a refresher,

Restore More is an educational Consulting Firm that exists to build capacity through restorative practice, anti-racism, and social emotional learning. Our vision is to teach people how to unpack their emotions, giving voice to the tough stuff to be their healthiest selves! 

We offer Professional Development designed to equip staff members with skills that can be easily transferred to the classroom to improve culture and discipline. These packages include

Consultation, Session Prep, Session Preview, Platform Hosting (VIA Zoom or In-Person also available)

Prizes, Survey & Session Closeout! For our Elite packages we include Digital Copies of ALL Materials available for future use, and Office Hours which includes three 60 minute Video Office Hours sessions with participants to discuss progress and next steps.

So take a look at what topics educators think they need the most, and how we’ve taken these topics to create full-blown learning experiences to offer schools. Each package is equipped with multiple sessions to fully dive in and learn about every aspect of the topic. These were carefully curated because we understand the wants and needs of those in schools, as we’ve sat in all seats. 

Teacher Wellness: The experience of satisfaction, positive affect, infrequent negative affect, and healthy psychological function in relationship to your life.

Sessions Include:

  1. Teacher Mindset is Everything

  2. Critical Self Care for the Busy Teacher

  3. Knowing Your Triggers

  4. Power Moves

  5. Logical Consequences

  6. De-escalation Strategies


Social Emotional Health For All: Social Emotional Learning is a variety of non-academic skills needed to process information, build relationships, set and attain goals and even manage behavior.

Sessions Include:

  1. What is SEL?

  2. Self-Awareness 101

  3. Responsible Decision Making

  4. The Art of Relationship Skills

  5. Social Awareness

  6. Self-management and Well-being


Our other two Packages were very close in the poll and are just as useful!

Anti-Racism: Being Anti-Racist is one who is supporting an antiracist policy through their actions or expressing an antiracist idea.

Sessions Include:

  1. What is Anti-Racism & Why now?

  2. Unpacking Biases to promote Anti Racism

  3. Privilege & Systematic Racism

  4. Bringing it into the classroom Ant-Racist Discipline

  5. Doing the Work & Being an Ally

  6. Celebrating Diversity

Restorative Practices - Restorative Discipline is a whole school relational approach to building school climate and addressing student behavior that fosters belonging over exclusion, social engagement over control, and meaningful accountability over punishment.

Sessions Include:

  1. Unbundling Unconscious Bias

  2. RP: What it is? What it's not!

  3. Affective Statements

  4. Getting Started with Restorative Consequences

  5. Introduction to Proactive Circles

  6. Repair Harm Circles


So which Package are you ready to book today? 👀 Click HERE to Schedule a Discovery Call Now!

Our mission is to establish Social Emotional Wellness for ALL. We can’t wait for you to be a part of something great and furthering the wellness of teachers, students and staff all over!

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