Interested in Learning More? Download our SERVICE GUIDE for details.

These women are dynamic in their presentation. In a short time, they make you feel valued and at home. I really learned a lot. They create a safe space to be your authentic self.

- Kindezi West School, Teacher


30 Minute Coaching Session

30-Minute Coaching Session

Educators want to connect? Have questions about your classroom/school or pursuing a dream beyond it? Need some motivation, want advice, or need help with how to pivot. Reach out for a 30 minute video conference consultation with our team to see how we can support you!

You will receive an email to complete scheduling of coaching session after purchase.


"My 1-1 coaching session with Claudine was an absolute success. She was thoroughly prepared to take me from dreaming into action. She created space for me to acknowledge my wins, ask questions, and commit to actions to move my dream forward. I now have 5 clear actions that will help make my dream a reality. I look forward to future sessions with her. She continues to model Black Woman Excellence."

"This was very helpful because it put into perspective what I want my business to be, and it made me understand how to market it to the actual audience who will benefit. Claudine helped me narrow down who I am marketing to."



These packages are designed to equip staff members with skills that can be easily transferred to the classroom to improve culture and social emotional wellness for themselves and students.



Topics Include:

  • What is SEL?

  • Self-Awareness 101

  • Responsible Decision Making

  • The Art of Relationship Skills

  • Social Awareness

  • Self-management and Well-being



Topics Include:

  • Unbundling Unconscious Bias

  • RP: What it is? What it's not!

  • Affective Statements

  • Getting Started with Restorative Consequences

  • Introduction to Proactive Circles

  • Repair Harm Circles



Topics Include:

  • Teacher Mindset is Everything

  • Critical Self Care for the Busy Teacher

  • Knowing Your Triggers

  • Power Moves

  • Logical Consequences

  • De-escalation Strategies



Topics Include:

  • What is Anti-Racism & Why now?

  • Unpacking Biases to promote Anti Racism

  • Privilege & Systematic Racism

  • Bringing it into the classroom Ant-Racist Discipline

  • Doing the Work & Being an Ally

  • Celebrating Diversity

A bright way to talk about the darkness in the world. A positive experience no matter how much you know or don’t know about race or anything hard. It is an inviting space and all you have to do is be open to listen..

- The Met Schools, Teacher

Interested in one of our packages? Our team is ready to talk with you about your specific needs. Please contact us using the link below. One of our associates will walk you through our services and share ways we can serve you.